Join Our Team

Are you passionate about food, creativity, and making people's day brighter? We are, too.

BagelUp is the first-ever global trade organization dedicated to all things bagel. Our mission is to promote and advance the culture, appreciation, and industry of bagels worldwide, through various channels including tours, classes, events, trade shows, and an e-commerce platform.

We're building a community of innovators, foodies, and enthusiasts, committed to bringing a unique, exciting twist to traditional bagel culture.

Our team values innovation, authenticity, and of course, a love for all things bagels. We're dedicated to not only creating delicious products but also creating an environment where our team can thrive, learn, and make a genuine impact.

Meet the Team

  • Sam Silverman


  • EB Atler

    Marketing Manager

  • Rory Torstensson

    Marketing Associate

  • Reva Castillenti

    Baker & Instructor

  • Benji Lampel

    Business Operations Manager

  • Ryan Bixler

    Event Manager